Mar 10-12, 2022 | Würzburg
Congress for Clinical Neuroscience with Advanced Training Academy
Understanding and Treating Brain Network Diseases
In March 2022 Prof. Jens Volkmann (Würzburg), deputy spokesperson, steering committee member and project leader of TRR 295 ReTune chaired the annual Congress for Clinical Neuroscience, which took place at the Congress Centrum Würzburg. In his function as congress president and acting president of the German Society for Clinical Neurophysiology and Functional Imaging (DGKN) Prof. Volkmann brought together about 1000 doctors, scientists, PhD students, therapists and nurses as well as several top-class keynote speakers such as Prof. Karl Friston (University College, London), Prof. Michael D. Fox (Harvard Medical School, Boston), Prof. Philip Tovote (Universitätsklinikum Würzburg) or Prof. Johannes Krause (Max-Planck-Institut für Evolutionäre Anthropologie, Leipzig). The main topic of this years’ congress was “Understanding and Treating Brain Network Diseases” and developing innovative therapies – among other things through good interdisciplinary networking in brain research. Several ReTune Project Leaders joined the Local Scientific Committee of the DGKN Congress. Besides other scientists, members of the TRR 295 ReTune also presented their current research results in the high-class scientific programme:
Lectures and Symposia
- Prof. Ioannis Isaias (Würzburg): Chair of Symposium “Network Localization of Symptoms and Treatment Effects in Movement Disorders” including lectures of Dr. Martin Reich (Würzburg) and Dr. Ningfei Li (Berlin).
- Prof. Chi Wang Ip (Würzburg): Chair of Symposium “Understanding and treating molecular, cellular and systemic brain network changes in Dystonia”, including lectures of Dr. Lisa Rauschenberger (Würzburg) and Dr. Roxanne Lofredi (Berlin).
- Prof. Wolf-Julian Neumann (Berlin): Application of Artificial Intelligence to optimize Deep Brain Stimulation
- Esther Florin (Düsseldorf): Influence of Dopamine and Deep Brain Stimulation on oscillatory resting networks in Parkinson’s patients
- Cordula Matthies (Würzburg): Communication by Auditory Brainstem Implants.
- Andreas Horn (Berlin): Deep brain stimulation and connectome imaging
- Philip Tovote (Würzburg): Brainstem State Generator Circuits at the Intersection of Emotions and Motor Control
- Alfons Schnitzler (Düsseldorf): Directional Deep Brain Stimulation
Prof. Wolf-Julian Neumann (Berlin) and Philip Tovote (Würzburg) chaired the postersession on understanding and treating brain network diseases. Prof. Cordula Matthies and Dr. Martin Reich (Würzburg) chaired the postersession “Therapeutic Neurostimulation”. Ioannis Isaias (Würzburg) was one of the chairs of the postersession on use of artificial intelligence in neurophysiology, translation from preclinical neurophysiology, wearables and kinematic monitoring in movement disorders and neurophysiological recording of adaptation, reserve in brain diseases and other topics.
Several other members of the TRR 295 Retune shared their latest research results at the postersessions as well.
Also, the DGKN Advanced Training Academy was supported by workshops of ReTune members.
Expert Summit on the Future of Deep Brain Stimulation
Immediately before the DGKN Congress, the “2nd Expert Summit on the Future of Deep Brain Stimulation” took place in Würzburg, organized by the TRR 295 ReTune. Under the direction of Prof. Andrea Kühn (Berlin), Prof. Cordula Matthies (Würzburg) and Prof. Jens Volkmann, leading international experts discussed the latest developments and future trends of deep brain stimulation and how it has revolutionized the treatment of Parkinson’s disease and other movement disorders over the last two decades.
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